
350 Euston Road: Improving building performances and carbon footprint with innovative heating, ventilation and air conditioning solutions – A case study

Abstract This case study paper describes the advantages of how heat pumps with heat recovery worked to contribute to improving energy performance and reducing the carbon footprint of buildings, with a short payback, thus [...]

By |October 16th, 2019|Categories: Case Study|Tags: , , |

350 Euston Road: Improving building performances & carbon footprint

This report explores the advantages of how heat pumps with heat recovery can contribute to improving energy performance and reducing the carbon footprint of buildings, with a short payback, thus being a viable technology for [...]

By |October 16th, 2019|Categories: Commercial|

Air Source Energy – A Low-Carbon Solution that Delivers

Two years after we introduced an air source pump at 350 Euston Road, results have exceeded expectations. Gas use is down 85%, occupiers are benefiting from cost savings and people in the building are enjoying [...]

By |September 28th, 2019|Categories: Commercial|Tags: , , , |